After 15-plus years and 1653 posts, we have a new logo and a responsive website design.
Because Ideabook is all about sharing thoughts on design, I invite you to take a look around and to share your thoughts.
By the way, many of the articles from the previous version of, my blog at, and links from my resource page are being updated and will find their way here in coming weeks.
I really love the design, especially on my phone. On my iPhone 6 I am presented with one article at a time with the images and text having beautiful color and clarity. I’ve also looked at it in a 13″ MacBook. While I personally like how the design responds to the changing screen resolution, I can also see how it might be a little too much.
When I first saw this on Sunday morning, I made the following comment on the Ideabook Facebook page:
I hadn’t visited in a while … several months, at least. I brought it up on my iPhone this morning to see what was new and was very pleasantly surprised. (How recent is the redesign?) It looks great and, in a beautiful, contemporary way, reminds me of the Ideabook I stumbled across so many years ago and have enjoyed ever since. Your site continues to be a must-read and I appreciate the thoughtful articles you have produced and shared for all of this time.
Thanks much Jeff. It’s just up, haven’t even announced the change, thought I would allow it to announce itself as people discover the change. You’re the first to mention it.
Congrats on the redesign. I like the prominence of the graphic elements you’ve curated, it’s a celebration of all the different media and color. All the text and analysis for each entry is still there, just not in large blocks–easier reading. I like that it’s versatile — it’s as comfortable on my iPhone as it is on my laptop. Your perspective icon is now saved to my phone so I can visit easily and daily. What else have you up your sleeve? Can’t wait to see.
The new design has the typical Chuck Green signature look! Very smart looking with the usual wide array of info. I think you’ve got another winner here, Chuck!! I obviously need to start coming here more. 🙂
I love your new site. The home page design is just fabulous. I just read your step-by-step Metro Aviation logo design page. It’s exactly what happens in the course of designing a logo, and it is like gambling — sometimes taking a few minutes, sometimes weeks.
Loving the new redesign! So pleasing to the eye.
Really, really nice. Lots of great content, as usual. I value your contribution to our field. Always have…
Love the concept. You found a way to get people to the information they want. That is the secret to engagement. Like the article on branding and your logo development. Hope it brings you a lot of business. Matt D, Also in Glen Allen
Wonderful job, Chuck! Congratulations on another successful project!!
I LOVE it–so clean, so inviting, so scrollable!
Thanks much Gary. I’m big on scrollable. In most cases I find I prefer long pages to chopped up pages (though there is clearly some folks who don’t).
I love the new design, Chuck. Crisp, clean and easy on the eye. Well done!
Thanks Bob. You are clearly a man of impeccable tastes.
Excellent! And, pleasently reminiscent of your very first web site so long ago! Great work, Chuck. It’s real motivation for me to update my antique web site! 🙂
Thanks Fred. High praise coming from a teacher of teachers. Nothing “antique” about I continues to be a fount of up-to-the minute information about the creative community and its process.
I’ve always loved your newsletters. Years and years and years. I even have archived a bunch. Ha.
The new design is worthy of YOUR expertise for sure. I love it. Beautiful colors. Sleek. Clean. Contemporary. Fresh. Forward-looking.
Love the new logo!
Congratulations on your updated website, too. I bought the first edition of your book many years ago, when I was a new designer, and it was so helpful to me. Thank you, Chuck!
Loving the new design, Chuck — congrats on the reboot!
Thanks much Don.