I’m recalling a quotation credited to Frank Chimero, one of many from The Designer Says: Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom researched and edited by Sara Bader.
Take things away until you cry.
A few more examples:
In hindsight, I think I’ve always been a designer. I was always inquisitive. Even when I was delivering newspapers I wanted to do it quickly, accurately, and make sure the paper landed on the doorstep in a nice line.
I try to staff our studio with people who have curiosity and passion. And you must keep a constant lookout for who you might want to hire next, because often the curiosity of our team leads them on to other things. You can’t keep brilliance; you let it shine, and then you have to let it go.
It is important to use your hands. This is what distinguishes you from a cow or a computer operator.
I found that Bader also speaks through Quotenik.com, the mission of which is… “To preserve the integrity of quotes by confirming their accuracy… Every entry added to this collection–whether published hundreds of years ago or today–is verified and properly sourced.”
And, “To gather and expand the inventory of quotable thoughts in our conversations and cultural consciousness so we have fresh material to consider and share.”
I particularly appreciate reading the insights of a number of relatively young designers.
Sara Bader’s Quotenick.com website…
The book: The Designer Says: Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom edited by Sara Bader…
Bader also publishes a Flickr feed with lots of interesting signage ephemera…
Want more? The design universe is expanding beyond our wildest expectations. While you might think the expansion would top out—it seems, instead, to be gaining speed. The exploration of design ideas has captured the collective imagination and Chris Coyier is capturing snippets of past and present design thinking through QuotesonDesign.com.
A few more examples:
I think that the lack of drama in my life has produced a platform for me to be fundamentally adventurous in my thinking.
Good ideas turn into good designs fairly quickly. If you catch yourself fiddling too much with colors, borders, and treatments to bring a design together, chances are the problem lies somewhere deeper.
The difference between regulated architects and unregulated designer is, unlike buildings, letterheads don’t fall down and kill people.
The curator of Quotes on Design is Chris Coyier, a banjo player (and the creator of…)
Posted in JULY 2019 / Chuck Green is the principal of Logic Arts, a design and marketing firm, a contributor to numerous magazines and websites, and the author of books published by Random House, Peachpit Press, and Rockport Publishers. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007-2019 Chuck Green/Logic Arts Corporation. Contact.