A few years back, Neenah Paper produced a useful introduction to and reminder of the engraving art. Engraving is an intaglio printing technique accomplished by cutting groves into the surface of a copper (or another metal) plate, inking it, and transferring the image to paper using a special press. It produces a product with a raised ink surface and a slight indention on the back. (It is sometimes confused with letterpress which stamps the ink into the paper beyond the surface.)
In the spirit of Neenah’s work (now gone from the active web), I have assembled some a links to the archived version of the site and a few articles and examples of the process. Engraving is yet another way to add distinction to your print pieces.
About the engraving print process...
Here’s an introduction from The Beauty of Engraving (the original Neenah website)...
Engraving from eggs to acid...
The logo is the work of Christine McMahon.
Once a staple of printing universe, here are a few examples of the art ...
Selected Engravings from The Metropolitan Museum of Art...
And for a modern, practical approach: The portfolio of the design firm TPD Design House—they produced the Beauty of Engraving print pieces—offers a model in how various printing and finishing techniques can be used to add texture and shape to otherwise static print using a wide range of printing and finishing techniques...
Here are a sampling of the many companies that still produce metal engravings...
Artistry Engraving and Embossing...
Bernard Maisner Calligraphy & Fine Stationery...
Images used with permission of the designer, Christine McMahon at christinelynnmcmahon.com
Posted in NOVEMBER 2019 / Chuck Green is the principal of Logic Arts, a design and marketing firm, a contributor to numerous magazines and websites, and the author of books published by Random House, Peachpit Press, and Rockport Publishers. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007-2019 Chuck Green/Logic Arts Corporation. Contact.