I can imagine Don Clark and Ryan Clark asking their grandfather, Al Paulsen, just such a question. Brothers Don and Ryan are Invisible Creature, a Seattle-based “Design + Illustration + Direction” studio. Their work is superb and who does what is, at first blush, entirely transparent.
The rest of the story, is about their grandfather, Alfred Paulsen, an illustrator who, as Don and Ryan put it, has the distinction of being, “credited with having the very first illustration in space. It was called the Pioneer Plaque and was aboard the 1972 Pioneer 10 and the 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecraft. It depicted a nude man and woman along with several symbols designed to provide information if intercepted by extraterrestrial life. Carl Sagan, his wife and Frank Drake are often credited with the plaque creation, but our grandfather actually drew this. So let the record finally be set straight!…”
Here is an article on Wikipedia about the Pioneer Plaque.
You’ll find more about Paulsen here from his proud grandchildren…