I invite you to read the mission statement of the Side Show Sign Company. It begins like this: “Signage is one of the earliest forms of Communication Design. In the past several decades however, designers and sign-makers have often regarded themselves as separate industries, divided by class, application, and a misunderstanding of just how important their relationship is. It is our opinion that these two worlds need to be in equal collaboration in order for signage to be the best it can be-to be what it is intended to be: an effective reflection of the hard work and sophistication that goes into the businesses that it is promoting.” You can read the whole thing here.
What I like about it is the connection between design and craft. With the advent of digital tools we’ve lost lots of craft. You should care about that because when you have to physically construct something, you have a different feel for it.
When you know what it takes, you know better what’s possible.
Thanks to UPPERCASE Magazine for pointing us to Side Show Sign.